Pen and inkwell Napoleon

Materials: Feather / White Bronze / Wood / Glass
Ink: Calligraphic Black, 30 ml
Feather Size: Length 26 cm
Pack size 34.5 x 14.5 x 7
Packaging: Gift box
Certificate of guarantee made in Italy



Pen and inkwell Napoleon is a quill pen writing set accompanied by inkwell with high-quality Hamburg calligraphic ink.

Beechwood pen holder with white bronze friezes accompanies the scroll that tells the fascinating story of writing.

Pen and inkwell Napoleon elegance and originality for this writing set with natural goose feather, bronze handle, completely handmade.

As a piece of furniture or to practice beautiful calligraphy, it will make your desk magnificent by adding a classic touch.

To crown the splendor of this object, the pen’s bronze handle is the result of lost-wax cast bronze work.

Elegance and originality for this completely handmade writing set. A perfect set for an important gift or a wonderful occasion.

The Napoleon calligraphy pen is the result of the historical research and creativity of the Bortoletti designs that gave birth to this pen.

Pen and inkwell Napoleon

The main Napoleonic emblem is the eagle and is the element of imperial Rome, associated since antiquity with military victory.

The Bees, a symbol of immortality and resurrection. Golden bees were discovered in 1653 in Tournai in the tomb of Childerico I.

They are considered the oldest emblem of the kings of France; according to a Breton legend, the bees were generated by the tears of Christ on the cross.

Napoleon had the treasure bees sewn on his cloak used for his coronation as emperor.

Napoleon Bonaparte was born in Ajaccio, Corsica, on August 15, 1769, to an Italian family of Tuscan descent.

A great man of war, Napoleon was considered the greatest strategist in military history; he obtained his appointment as a second lieutenant when he was only 16 years old.

In 1804 at the age of 35, Napoleon Bonaparte was appointed Emperor of the French by the Senate.

Even in his lifetime Napoleon had become a myth, and after his death, the legend of the military genius never faded.

He wrote more than 40,000 letters that have come down to us and a valuable manuscript for historians and enthusiasts.


Additional information

Weight 750 g
Dimensions 34 × 14,5 × 7 cm
Feather color

Black, Blue, Turquoise, Green, Bordeaux


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